Pollution | Introduction, 11 Causes,Types, Effects, Advantage
Introduction Pollution is a harmful substance that is present in the environment. This harmful substance is called pollutants. These pollutants can be caused by either natural means or by humans. It degrades almost everything from the water we drink. It damages the natural resources needed for a healthy life. Pollution...
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Pollution | Introduction, 11 Causes,Types, Effects, Advantage


Pollution | Introduction, 11 Causes,Types, Effects, Advantage

Introduction Pollution is a harmful substance that is present in the environment. This harmful substance...

Water Pollution- Introduction,Definition,Type,6Causes,Effects

Introduction    Water Pollution Water pollution is any impurities which comes from the surrounding area...

Flower || Definition, Parts, Types, Uses, 11 Advantage

Flower Introduction Flower A flower is the beauty and soft part of the plant or...

Computer | Introduction, Definition, Parts,4 Types, Advantages

Introduction of Computer A computer is a fast and accurate electronic machine that is designed...

Human Eye || Definition, Working, Parts, Shapes, 3 Defects

Human Eye The human eye is an architectural wonder and one of the most remarkable...

Water | Definition, Source, 3 Form, Cycle,Type, Conservation

Water Water is the most important substance for every single living being. Water is essential...

Boring Machine | Definition, Types, Parts, Operation, Advantage

Boring Machine The boring machine is one of the most versatile machine tools. It is...

Shaper Machine | Definition, Types, Parts, Operations & Size

Shaper Machine A shaper machine is a versatile machine tool which is used for producing...

Wind Energy || Definition, Facts, Uses & Advantages

Wind Energy Wind Energy presents the process by which wind is used to generate electricity...


Computer | Introduction, Definition, Parts,4 Types, Advantages

Introduction of Computer A computer is a fast and accurate electronic machine that is designed...

Networking || Definition,Types, Advantages, Disadvantages & Applications

Networking Introduction Networking is referred as connecting computers electronically for the purpose of sharing information...

Lathe Machine-Introduction,Working, 9 Parts,Types, Advantage

INTRODUCTION: In the Mechanical Engineering field Lathe machine plays an important role in Manufacturing. In...
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